Monday, February 28, 2011

a dreamer

entah kenapa,
aku selalu yakin dan percaya kl aku pasti bisa melakukan sesuatu..apapun
kl aku bs mengatasi semua hal..apapun
dasar pemimpi..but i love being a dreamer

entahlah,,tapi aku seneng banget bs jadi seorang pemimpi..
sambil bermimpi, aku sambil ngerasain kl Allah selalu hadir disisi aku, mendengarkan, mengabulkan semua yang aku inginkan..selalu
aku selalu yakin..

aku juga slalu yakin kalo Allah sayang banget ma aku *PD abis*
makanya, aku gak pernah takut untuk bermimpi..karena aku slalu yakin kl Allah pasti selalu ada buat aku dan menemani aku untuk mengejar semua mimpi2 itu

komposisi mimpi : usaha+doa+keyakinan+senyum

Monday, February 21, 2011


rasa itu tak mau pergi
sakit..serasa ingin mengalami amnesia..
aku mau jadi batu..aku mau jadi zombie..
aku ga punya hati dan aku tak mau mencintai


kayaknya sakit banget. nangis terus dari tadi..huhh..sabar ya ma, bsk qt gadaikan cincinnya, biar bisa ke dokter mata lagi

kl mamaku lagi ga cerewet, aku suka kasian..sakit banget kayaknya, Mr. dokter mata juga bilang begitu, "rasanya akan sakit sekali"

kenapa sih ga pernah berakhir..kenapa selalu ada keluhan setiap hari..aku jd ga bisa konsen kerja..aku sayang ma mama..jangan nangis ya..cupcup

Sunday, February 20, 2011


From this time, i'll try to write anything (read : blog space) in English. Because of what? for enhancing my English skill, of course. And let's make such a little planing : they said that you have to periodically update your note in order to make your blog goes up to the top of search engine. And i'm gonna prove it.

Preamble :
Actually i don't have any special skill in English. Not in Grammar (since my poor grammar) nor in vocabulary. But, through this space, i'll try to improve it. Maybe firstly (let's say firstly) you'll only find such a common words in my saying, and by the time..still..common words, lol!

yupz..let make such a briefing break for my every routine activity of mine that always happens everyday. I wont say that as a boring things *to do* but, i really need kind of ice breaking and blow up all my burden (it's too much, lol) on the 'paper' rather than tell it to anybody.

Actually it just like my impingement from Facebook or twitter. Think that i couldn't trust somebody as an ear for my long long story, complicated *but i love it*.

Sometime, i cant keep my self from secret of mine. Trying to express my feeling rather than be bottle up inside -- on Facebook or twitter. But in fact, it's quite dangerous, means for your privacy space *and personality life*. Because when someone talk too much about his life, he try to open what he is like exactly. No privacy. No secret. No mystery. And you are not *unique* anymore.

One of my best friend did such things and she got a saying form her friend, telling her that..she's like "you are kind of a restless girl". Wouww..I dont wanna have that -- you see..never trying to open yourself to public.

Another case is nono (nick name). She is kind of very very open (on facebook) about whatever came to her life, especially about her boy friend or something 'itchy' #MyMind. She published everything happen to their relationship. Like how handsome her boy, how nice, how something blablabla..And finally, she got break up with her boy and game was over. Bad. once more, bad. And that's not me, i'm gonna learn form everything in this live to make a better change of me..

Wait, i should go, need to be with my mom..she is calling ,,bye..#theStoryEnded :)